Thursday, January 27, 2011

The over-sung Disney actresses of our day...(im just rambling on my hatred of Miley Cyrus)

Wow, i have just gotten a swell of responses from people.  With my number of followers at 0, i really thank all of my fans for your support. 
Since we are on the topic of uselessness, lets talk about Disney Stars! First, lets let you all know, I absolutely HATE the Disney Channel.  I respect no person who holds stake in that network or their idiotic shows.  So if you like the disney channel, stop reading my blog and stop breathing my air.  just do not perpetuate the idea that the Disney Channel is wholesome.  Honestly, at least MTV or Comedy Central actually admit to what they are.  But back on topic... Miley Cyrus!!! Does anyone realize that her on Disney personality of the Blond Hannah Montana looks exactly like Lizzie McGuire played by Hillary Duff?  Disney just ropes in these girls, portrays them as blond charismatic teenagers, makes billions off of their name brand, and then moves onto the next one.  Honestly, at least Hillary Duff was attractive enough to make the slutty look work after her "Great Transformation" after Disney dropped her like a bad habit.  Honestly, I used to want Miley Cyrus to just be forgotten, but recently, her own "transformation" is just way to fun to watch.  Before you think of me as a perv, i dont mean watch like actually "watch" her stuff, but it is just sooo fulfilling to watch her try to get along without the Disney marketing aficionados driving her career. 
The thing that cracks me up is the blatant disregard for her career.  She made more money than any recording artist a few years ago for one reason, and one reason only.  PARENTS THOUGHT SHE WAS A WHOLESOME INFLUENCE ON THEIR CHILDREN!!!! When your entire career is based on one market segment, parents buying music for their children, it is common knowledge that you should probably not make that market segment hate you.  As soon as she essentially started making softcore porn, pole dancing, dishing out underage lap dances to 40 year old men, smoking a bong, basically bringing everything to light that shes been doing with her dad (including the Oedipal-ly raunchy photos) since she was popped into this world, her career hit the crapper.  Honestly, she is not talented enough, if at all, to make a career work with bad press like legitimate musicians.  Without Disney, she has no chance at producing legitimate albums.  And I cant wait.  I mean, I guess she may be able to appeal to the niche market of perverted middle aged men, but even that market probably lost interest once she turned 18.  I actually give her 10 years before she is broke, and I only give her that long because she made SO much money a few years ago. 
Anyone see that American Idol clip where she is a guest musical coach?  Honestly, i hate American Idol, but my roommate knows my hatred of Miley.  It was an excruciating episode to watch in its entirety, but when the guy told her that he has never listened to her music, it made my day.  
And who doesn't now love Radiohead? I had never listened to a single one of their songs, but as soon as I heard they said "Hell, no" to a backstage visit from Miley, I bought their discography.  Awesome.  Just Awesome.
Oh, oh, oh!!!! and she sounds like a dude.  I had to get that in here.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Let's start off... Dark Knight Rises plot guesses!!!

So here's the deal... I am a twenty-one year old college student, and while I have about a billion things to do, including a test in two days, I feel as if the world deserves to hear my voice!  And im really bored.  Its probably more boredom than the other thing.  Eh, who cares, really?

Ok, here is how I see this working.  As I am a college student, I am very cheap.  But, as a borderline anti-socialite, I love movies.  Not a great combo for a movie-lover, but i make do.  Anyway, as I do not go to movies, I will write more about random things about movies.  Sometimes I may review a movie, sometimes I may just ramble.  Honestly, this is more of a way for me to reach my niche crowd, which right now is just me.  Maybe i'll find someone who agrees with me, disagrees with me, or just thinks i'm an idiot.  Either way, I want to hear from you.  If you want to comment on my blog, comment!

Now onto my first topic! As Christopher Nolan has finally told us both who will be in the The Dark Knight Rises and what parts they will play, I feel as if we can begin to speculate on the plot.  First off, Thomas Hardy as Bane and Anne Hathaway as Catwoman.  I am calling it right now... I do not think that Catwoman/Selina Kyle is going to be a love interest for Batman/Bruce Wayne.  They may play around with the idea, but in the end, Christopher Nolan is not a James Bond type of director, killing off the main character's chick and introducing another one to fill the void in the next film.  Its just not his style.  If anything, Selina Kyle/Catwoman will remind Batman of Rachel Dawes, however unattractive she was (in both films, but most especially in TDK.  Maggie Gyllenhall, ugh!).  I personally believe that Selina Kyle will have some sort of connection to Bane, whether it be brother/sister, boyfriend/girlfriend, or whatever else you may think.  Before you want to come and kill me bat-fans, let me tell you why...

Batman Begins was essentially a movie about Batman going head to head with Ras al Ghul, an enemy that thought he was doing what was necessary, therefore his enemy was willing to go to any lengths to achieve his goals, which in the Al Ghul's mind was the proper path.  The audience very easily realized that Batman was the good guy, and Gotham deserved saving.  The Dark Knight (brilliant film) was Batman going up against the ultimate evil.  Everyone knew the Joker was evil, the audience, Gotham residents, Batman, everyone.  Batman was driven to drastic measures, bringing up moral and ethical issues and determining how far is too far.  The film ends with everyone thinking Batman is evil, despite the fact that he is the main reason the city remains safe.  Batman, therefore, is misrepresented in the eyes of the public. 

I assume The Dark Knight Rises will begin with everyone assuming Batman is on the same level as a mob enforcer, with no communication with the police but going about his crime fighting kick-arsery in the gritty Gotham (filmed in Detroit instead of Chicago!  Sorry bears fans, its just not your year).  I believe that Thomas Hardy will play a drug addicted musclebound monster, losing his mind trying to find new ways to fund his addiction to high end narcotics (cue in Dr. Crane, also rumored to make an appearance).  This will cause him to get in much deeper than he should be, which will eventually lead him to be hated and billed as a huge danger to the people of Gotham.  His girlfriend, Catwoman/Selina Kyle will also be in major trouble with the law.  They will encounter batman, probably have a bunch of fights or deep, throaty dialogues, and eventually Batman realize that they are in a similar situation to what he is in.  He will then have to determine his moral code in terms of the law and greater ethical justice.  In the end, he'll probably do something ridiculous and possible determine that Rachel Dawes was really not dead and he will live happily ever after in a land that looks like Willy Wonkas factory! Ok, that last bit was total B.S., but come on! no one ever knows the end to Christopher Nolan movies! whos to say Im not right?  Hell, I still dont know what happened at the end of Inception!  (discussion for another time, i suppose)
Also, I really hope that Bane and Catwoman dont wear masks.  Bane's mask makes him look like a tool, and honestly, who cares about the Anne Hathaways outfit from the neck up?  Honestly, Batman and Robin is almost a good movie because of Felicia Silverstone's bod in the batwoman suit.  Then I saw robin's nipples.  Yeah, Batman and Robin still sucks. 
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